McKenzie will be on snow routes again today Thursday March 7th.
almost 6 years ago, Lane Tompkins
McKenzie will be on snow routes today Wednesday March 6th.
almost 6 years ago, Lane Tompkins
McKenzie will be on snow routes Tuesday March 5th.
almost 6 years ago, Lane Tompkins
Tonight’s Facility Committee Meeting is postponed until Monday March 11th.
almost 6 years ago, Lane Tompkins
We will be operating on snow routes Monday March 4th. Although crews have made great progress, side roads are still non-navigable by our buses. Downriver stops on Goodpasture Rd meet at Vida Cafe at 6:45 am or at Everyone's Market at 7:20 am. Gate Creek Rd stops meet at Vida Cafe at 7:02 am or at Everyone's Market at 7:20 am. Upriver stops on Horse Creek Rd. Taylor Rd. and North Bank Rd. meet at McKenzie Bridge Christian Church at 7:15 am. Stops on McKenzie River Drive & King Rd. meet at Blue Sky Market at 7:20 am. Thank you for your flexibility and patience!
almost 6 years ago, Lane Tompkins
McKenzie will resume classes tomorrow Monday, March 4th following our regular schedule. All buses are on regular routes. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning!
almost 6 years ago, Lane Tompkins
McKenzie will resume classes Monday, March 4th. Go to for more details.
almost 6 years ago, Lane Tompkins
McKenzie School District will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, February 28th due to inclement weather and ongoing power outage.
almost 6 years ago, Lane Tompkins
McKenzie School District will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, February 27th due to inclement weather and ongoing power outage. School will remain closed until power is restored.
almost 6 years ago, Lane Tompkins
McKenzie School District will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, February 26th due to inclement weather and ongoing power outage.
almost 6 years ago, Lane Tompkins
McKenzie School District will be closed today Monday February 25th. All after school activities are canceled as well.
almost 6 years ago, Lane Tompkins
2nd Quarter Attendance Celebration at Hoodoo Autobahn
almost 6 years ago, Brent Meister
Ms. C and students ready to ride!
Ready to ride again...
Great day!
2nd Quarter Attendance Celebration at Hoodoo Autobahn
almost 6 years ago, Brent Meister
Fun in the snow!
A test message was mistakenly sent from the automated communications system today at 12:30 pm. Our apologies for the repeated test, you may safely ignore the message, it was only a test.
almost 6 years ago, Jason Davis
A message from Lane Educational Service District: Driver Education is an essential part of road safety. Unfortunately, driver education is no longer taught in Oregon high schools. We are trying to change this by offering teen classes (provided by private driving schools) in your district. These classes would take place after school, at the high school. Will you fill out this short survey to help us find out how much interest there is in your district? Follow the link to take the survey!
almost 6 years ago, Jason Davis
Due to the power outage we are canceling school today.
almost 6 years ago, Lane Tompkins
We are on a 2 hour delay this morning due to a power outage.
almost 6 years ago, Lane Tompkins
Tonight's Middle School Girls Basketball game with Triangle Lake has been canceled due to transportation issue on their end. Sorry about the inconvenience!
almost 6 years ago, Lane Tompkins
Update: Middle School Boys basketball (5th-8th grade) will start on Tuesday, January 15, 2019.
almost 6 years ago, Lorinda Marcy
Middle School Boys basketball (5th-8th grade). Make sure you are on the sign up sheet in the office. Practice starts on Monday, January 14, 2019. Sports physical must be current and on file to practice.
almost 6 years ago, Lorinda Marcy